
Prüfungstermine / Exam Dates SS 2024 [+]

Summer School Lecture Series [+]

Lecture Notes [+]


SS 2024 (RPTU KL-LD):
WS 2023/24 (Leibniz Universität Hannover):
SS 2023 (RPTU KL-LD):
WS 2022/23 (TU Kaiserslautern):
SS 2022 (TU Kaiserslautern):
WS 2021/22 (RWTH Aachen):
SS 2021 (TU Kaiserslautern):
WS 2020/21 (TU Kaiserslautern):
SS 2020 (TU Kaiserslautern):
WS 2019/20 (TU Kaiserslautern):
SS 2019 (TU Kaiserslautern):
WS 2018/19 (TU Kaiserslautern):
SS 2018 (TU Kaiserslautern):
WS 2017/18 (TU Kaiserslautern):
SS 2017 (TU Kaiserslautern):
WS 2016/17 (TU Kaiserslautern):

Up to SS2016 (TU Kaiserslautern):

B.Sc.-/M.Sc.-Theses / Reading Courses

Please, get in touch with me via e-mail or drop by my office to discuss possible topics.

I can offer, for example, topics in connection with: the theory of groups/rings/fields/algebras, the representation theory of groups/algebras/quivers, homology and cohomology, algebraic topology, homotopy theory, category theory,...

Guest Seminar Groups and Representations

When: Thursdays, 17:00-18:00
Where: 48-436
Programme: Summer Semester 2024

Oberseminar SS 2024

Students are welcome to take part in our Oberseminars [KIS]. They can be validated for seminar credit points.

When: Mondays, 15:30-17:00
Where: 48-438
Subject: Selected topics in modular representation Theory
Registration: Get in touch with us prior to the start of the semester.

Ringvorlesung SS18+SS21
