Seminar Gruppen und Darstellungen

Summer Semester 2024  

Organisation: Caroline Lassueur, Gunter Malle

  • Thursday, 23rd of May 2024:
    17:00-17:50: Emmanuel Letellier [Université Paris-Diderot],
    Ennola duality for decomposition of tensor products [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 6th of June 2024:
    17:00-17:50: Hong Yi Huang [University of Bristol],
    Permutations, bases and low rank groups [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 13th of June 2024:
    17:00-17:50: Sam Miller [University of California, Santa Cruz],
    The classification of endotrivial complexes [Abstract]

  • Thurdsay, 4th of July 2024:
    17:00-17:50: Tommaso Scognamiglio [Université Paris Cité],
    Multiplicities for tensor product of representations of Gln(Fq) [Abstract]

Winter Semester 2023/24  

Organisation: Caroline Lassueur, Gunter Malle

The Seminar of the winter semester 2023/24 is essentially replaced by the meeting
Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2023

Summer Semester 2023  

Organisation: Caroline Lassueur, Gunter Malle

  • Thursday, 27th of April 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Nadia Romero [Universidad de Guanajuato/Amiens],
    A semisimplicity criterion for Green biset functors, with one application [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 4th of May 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Nicola Grittini [RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau],
    Character Degrees and Charcters Values [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 11th of May 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Andrew P. Turner [University of Pennsylvania (UPENN)],
    F-Theory and Singular Elliptic Fibrations [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 25th of May 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Jérémie Guilhot [Université de Tours],
    Recognising Kazhdan-Lusztig cells using representations [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 1st of June 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Loïc Poulain d'Andecy [Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne],
    KLR-type presentation of affine Hecke algebras of classical types [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 15th of June 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Eda Kaja [TU Darmstadt],
    Classification of non-solvable groups whose power graph is a cograph [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 22nd of June 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Yasir Kizmaz [Halle / Bilkent],
    A generalization of Alperin Fusion theorem and its applications [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 6th of July 2023:
    17:00-17:50: John Murray [Maynooth University],
    Walking through the Alperin-McKay conjecture [Abstract]

  • Monday, 10th of July 2023:
    15:30-17:00: Valentina Grazian [Milano-Bicocca],
    Fusion Systems: What is Known [Abstract]

Winter Semester 2022/23  

Organisation: Caroline Lassueur

  • 30th of Sept. - 1st of Oct. 2022: Meeting Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2022

  • 28th-29th of October 2022: the Darstellungstheorietage 2022 take place in Kaiserslautern

  • Thursday, 3rd November 2022:
    17:00-17:50: Peter Symonds [University of Manchester], The module structure of a group action on a ring [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 17th November 2022:
    17:00-17:50: Patrick Serwene [TU Dresden], Exotic and block-exotic fusion systems [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 24th November 2022:
    17:00-17:50: Margherita Piccolo [Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf]], Representation growth of semisimple profinite groups [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 5th January 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Jason Semeraro [University of Leicester], An Alperin-type conjecture for \(p\)-local compact groups [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 12th January 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Abel Lacabanne [Université Clermont-Auvergne], Verma Howe duality and LKB representations of braid groups [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 19th January 2023:
    17:00-17:50: Aluna Rizzoli [EPFL], Isometry groups of norms [Abstract]

  • Thursday, 26th of January 2023:
    17:00-17:50: J. Miquel Martínez [Universitat de València], Character correspondences and counting conjectures [Abstract]

  • Tuesday, 7th February 2023, Felix-Klein-Kolloquium:
    17:15-18:15: Kathryn Hess Bellwald [EPFL], Topological adventures in neuroscience [Abstract]

Summer Semester 2022  

Organisation: Caroline Lassueur, Lucas Ruhstorfer

  • Donnerstag, 28. April 2022:
    17:00-17:50: Georges Neaime [Universität Bielefeld und Ruhr-Universität Bochum], Towards the Linearity of Complex Braid Groups [Abstract]

  • Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2022:
    17:00-17:50: Deniz Yilmaz [LAMFA, Amiens], Functorial equivalence of blocks of finite groups [Abstract]

  • Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022:
    17:00-17:50: Nicola Grittini [Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia] On characters with small cyclotomic fields of values [Abstract]

  • Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022:
    17:00-17:50: Norman MacGregor [University of Birmingham] Tame blocks of finite groups [Abstract]

  • Dienstag, 19. Juli 2022:
    16:00-16:40: Michael Geline [Northern Illinois University] Schur indices are controlled by local subgroups [Abstract]
    16:50-17:30: Emily Norton [University of Kent] Chunks of the decomposition matrix of a finite classical group that we can understand [Abstract]

Winter Semester 2021/22  

Organisation: Caroline Lassueur (RWTH Aachen), Lucas Ruhstorfer (TU Kaiserslautern)

Dieses Semester findet das Seminar als virtuelles Seminar zusammen mit dem Lehrstuhl für Algebra und Zahlentheorie der RWTH Aachen University statt.
Zur Anmeldung als externer Gast verwenden Sie bitte diesen Link.
  • Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2022:
    16:15-17:00: Nicolas Jacon [Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne], On the computation of the Mullineux involution for symmetric groups and Hecke algebras [Abstract]
    17:05-17:50 William Murphy [City, University of London], The first Hochschild cohomology of blocks of finite group algebras [Abstract]
  • Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2022:
    17:15-18:00: Georges Neaime [Universität Bielefeld], FINDET NICHT STATT / CANCELLED
  • Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2022:
    16:15-17:00: Carolina Vallejo [Universidad Autónoma de Madrid], Groups with a 2-generated Sylow 2-subgroup [Abstract]
    17:05-17:50 Claudio Marchi [University of Manchester], Picard groups for blocks with normal defect group [Abstract]
  • Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2022:
    17:15-18:00: Julian Brough [Bergische Universität Wuppertal], Characters of normalisers of \(d\)-split Levi subgroups in \(Sp_{2n}(q)\) [Abstract]

Summer Semester 2021  

Organisation: Caroline Lassueur, Lucas Ruhstorfer

Dieses Semester findet das Seminar als virtuelles Seminar zusammen mit der Arbeitsgruppe Algebra und Zahlentheorie der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal statt.
Zur Anmeldung als externer Gast verwenden Sie bitte diesen Link.
  • Dienstag, 27. April 2021:
    16:00-16:40: Eugenio Giannelli [Università degli Studi di Firenze], On a conjecture of Malle and Navarro [Abstract]
    17:00-17:40: Noelia Rizo [Universidad del País Vasco], On the trivial intersection block conjecture [Abstract]
  • Dienstag, 11. Mai 2021 (Organisiert von Damiano Rossi, Wuppertal):
    16:00-16:40: Virgilius-Aurelian Minuta [Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca], An overview of Knörr lattices for finite groups [Abstract]
    16:50-17:30: Sofia Brenner [Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena], On Socles of Centers of Group Algebras [Abstract]
  • Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021 (Organisiert von Damiano Rossi, Wuppertal):
    16:00-16:40: Scott Harper [University of Bristol], The spread of a finite group [Abstract]
    16:50-17:30: Justin Lynd [University of Louisiana, Lafayette], Punctured groups for exotic fusion systems [Abstract]
  • Dienstag, 8. Juni 2021:
    16:00-16:40: Michael Geline [Northern Illinois University, DeKalb], An overview of Knörr lattices for finite groups [Abstract]
    16:50-17:30: Andrei Marcus [Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca], Extending basic Morita equivalences [Abstract]
  • Dienstag, 29. Juni 2021 (Organisiert von Max Horn):
    16:00-17:00: Andrea Thevis [Universität des Saarlandes], Square-tiled surfaces, normal covers, and cylinder decompositions [Abstract]
  • Do. 15. Juli / Fr. 16. Juli 2021: Meeting Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2021.

Wintersemester 2020/21  

Organisatoren: Caroline Lassueur, Lucas Ruhstorfer
  • Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021:
    16:00-16:45: Nadia Mazza [Lancaster University], Endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type [Abstract]
    17:00-17:45: Matthew Gelvin, Dade groups and relative syzygies for finite groups [Abstract]
  • Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2021:
    16:00-16:45: Jay Taylor [University of Southern California], Rationality Properties of Kawanaka Characters [Abstract]
    17:00-17:45: Mandi A. Schaeffer Fry [MSU Denver], The Inductive McKay--Navarro Conditions in Type C for the Prime 2 [Abstract]
  • Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2021:
    16:00-16:45: Cesare Ardito [City, University of London], Classification of blocks and open conjectures [Abstract]
    17:00-17:45: Patrick Serwene [City, University of London], Exotic and block-exotic fusion systems [Abstract]

Sommersemester 2020  

Im Sommersemester 2020 wurde das Seminar im Wesentlichen durch das Meeting Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2020 ersetzt.

Wintersemester 2019/20  

Organisatoren: Niamh Farrell, Caroline Lassueur, Lucas Ruhstorfer

Sommersemester 2018  

Organisatoren: Niamh Farrell, Alessandro Paolini

Wintersemester 2017/18  

Organisatoren: Caroline Lassueur, Alessandro Paolini

Sommersemester 2017  

Organisatoren: Alessandro Paolini

Wintersemester 2016/17  

Organisatoren: Julian Brough, Caroline Lassueur

Sommersemester 2016  

Organisatoren: Thomas Gobet, Caroline Lassueur

Wintersemester 2015/16  

Organisatoren: Thomas Gobet, Caroline Lassueur

Sommersemester 2015  

Organisatoren: Caroline Lassueur, Britta Späth

Wintersemester 2014/15  

Organisatoren: Caroline Lassueur

Sommersemester 2014

Organisatoren: Britta Späth, Jay Taylor, Caroline Lassueur

Wintersemester 2013/14  

Organisatoren: Britta Späth

Sommersemester 2013  

Organisatoren: Britta Späth

Oberseminar Darstellungstheorie

  • Summer semester 2024: Selected Topics in Group Theory [Orga: Caroline Lassueur | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2023/24: Selected Topics in Group Theory [Orga: Gunter Malle | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2023: Fusion Systems [Orga: Caroline Lassueur and Gunter Malle | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2022/23: Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties [Orga: Caroline Lassueur | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2022: Representation Theory of Finite Reductive Groups [Orga: Gunter Malle | Programme]
  • Summer Semester 2021: Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group [Orga: Gunter Malle | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2020/21: Equivalences of Blocks of Finite Groups [Organ: Caroline Lassueur | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2020: cancelled!
  • Winter semester 2019/20: Block theory of finite reductive groups [Orga: Gunter Malle | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2019: Topics in the block theory of finite groups [Orga: Niamh Farrell | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2018/19: Perverse equivalences [Orga: Olivier Dudas/Alessandro Paolini | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2018: Cluster algebras [Orga: Patrick Wegener Programme]
  • Winter semester 2017/18: Lie superalgebras [Orga: Caroline Lassueur | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2017: Representation theory – A homological algebra point of view [Orga: Benjamin Sambale | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2016/17: Quivers and reprerentations of algebras [Orga: Mikaël Cavallin | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2016: Buildings [Orga: Thomas Gobet | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2015/16: Complex Reflection Groups [Orga: Caroline Lassueur | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2015: KLR-algebras [Orga: Gunter Malle | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2014/15: Der Auslander-Reiten-Köcher von Gruppenalgebren [Orga: Caroline Lassueur | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2014: The Alperin weight conjecture [Orga: Gunter Malle und Britta Späth | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2013/14: Diagram algebras [Orga: Susanne Danz and Jay Taylor | Programme]
  • Summer semester 2013: Darstellungen endlicher reduktiver Gruppen [Orga: Gunter Malle | Programme]
  • Winter semester 2012/13: Representations of finite reductive groups [Orga: Gunter Malle | Programme]